The nature of School Council and the roles within it vary from school to school and year to year. To a great extent, the roles are what you make them and depend on the people who take them on and the time you have available. Here are a few ideas of what has been done before. There are years when one person does everything and years when each of the roles is shared.
Chair(s) (10+ hours/month)
- Schedule and lead council meetings and assist in coordinating Council activities and initiatives
- Liaise with the school administration team regarding priorities, events, and other issues
- Liaise with the TDSB Trustee, attend forums, or delegate
Treasurer (5 hours/month)
- Liaise with school administration to manage Council finances
- Complete monthly finance reports for Council meetings and for the TDSB’s annual report
- Ensure finances are allocated as determined by Council vote
Secretary (5 hours/month)
- Keep minutes of each meeting; post agendas and minutes for each meeting; obtain Council approval of minutes; organize refreshments, translation, and caregiving for Council meetings
Communications Lead (10 hours/month)
- Ensure all events and Council activities are publicized
- Manage social media accounts with frequent and current updates
- Prepare monthly contribution to school newsletter in coordination with school administration
School Improvement and Equity Lead (10 hours/month)
- Liaise with school admin, staff and community on school improvement requests and goals.
- Contribute to the School Improvement Plan (SIP) with school admin.
- Lead grant application completion to facilitate opportunities to support equity and inclusivity across the school community
Fundraising Lead (10 hours/month)
- Organize fundraising events in consultation with the school admin and council
- Establish a committee to assist with fundraising events and activities
General Member (voting)
- Requested to attend all meetings throughout the year
- Encouraged to step up and lead events, Council initiatives, and committees
- Help spread the word and recruit volunteers for Council activities
- Requires a nomination prior to the first meeting of the year
Community Member (non-voting)
- Encouraged to attend all meetings throughout the year
- Participate in planning discussions during and between meetings
- Help spread the word and recruit volunteers for Council activities
- Does NOT require a nomination
Council Volunteer (non-voting)
- Encouraged to attend meetings throughout the year when schedule permits
- Dedicate time and effort toward specific events (e.g., clothing swap, movie nights, funfair)
- Does NOT require a nomination