Roden School Council is happy to announce the winners of Roden’s Holiday Design Contest!
We had 38 entries to the contest. A big THANK YOU to our panel of community artists (Jeremy and Stephen) and the wonderful Michelle Mismash for judging each of the entries. Submissions were scored on a scale of 1 to 10, and the top three in each category were selected. Two categories had a tie for 3rd place.
Congratulations to our winners:
Chanukah: Cohen M. (Grade 3); Zoe P. (Grade 4); Ada M. (Grade 1)
Christmas: Artur L. (Grade 5); Kate N. (Grade 4); Dylan W (Grade 2); Benny P. (Grade 5)
Lunar New Year: Mila N. (Grade 6); Kalina T. (Grade 8); Zoe (Grade TBD); Joa L. Grade 3)
Eid: Winner unknown (no name was included with entry)

We are excited to make these designs available for purchase starting November 3 at Deadline to order is November 16. Order forms will be sent home for those who wish to place an order using cash. Designs will be printed on 5 x 7 cardstock, via a local vendor (Aunty Yvonne), and will include envelopes. To ensure representation of all holidays, we will have colouring cards available for purchase for Diwali and Kwanzaa in addition to the winning designs.
Cards will be available to pick up on Monday, November 27, in the school lobby.
Great work everyone!