In the event of someone presenting with symptoms, Staff / Principal will have to decide if it is suspected Covid-19. If so, the patient will be immediately isolated and sent home.
– If a member of school gets a positive test, they and their family must isolate and their cohort may also be asked to isolate. TPH will be informed. They can return when cleared by a healthcare provider / TPH. Negative test will not necessarily be required.
– If a parent / family member contracts Covid-19, members of their household should also self-isolate. It is ‘strongly recommended’ to inform the child’s school so that monitoring and contact tracing may begin promptly.
– TPH may declare an ‘outbreak’ in a school if there are multiple cases and on-site transmission. Initial outbreak measures can include further limits on movement and extra-curricular activities, etc, but a school can be closed and testing recommended if ‘substantial transmission’ occurs.