Thursday September 28
Curriculum Night, 6:00 to 8:00pm, with Pizza sales starting at 5:30pm
Terry Fox Run
Cross Country Run (for those participating)
Monday September 25 to 29
Book Fair
Monday September 18
Roden School Council Meeting 7:40pm (7:20 Principal’s report), Library
September 15
Roden Council Nomination forms due at 4pm
Free Kids Clothing Exchange, 3:30 to 6:30pm, Library
September 5
First day of School
June 30
June 29
Last day of school
Summer Send off, 3:30pm to 7pm
June 28
Gr 8 Graduation, 4pm
June 27
JK, SK and Grade 1 – 8 Provincial Report goes home
June 23
Pizza Lunch
Fancy Hat Day
June 14
School Council Meeting, 1 to 1:45pm, staff room
Volunteer Appreciation Tea, 2:30 to 4pm, Library
May 29 to June 2
Grade 3 and 6 EQAO
May 26
Wacky Hair Day
Movie Night, Beauty and the Beast
May 22
Victoria Day, NO SCHOOL
May 17
FDK Open House, 5:30pm
May 16
Cultural Performance: Yamo! Yamo! Greetings from West Africa (Music/Dance)
May 13
Baseball Bonanza Fundraiser, 12:00-3:00pm
May 10
School Council Meeting, Time TBD
May 8
Track and Field at Birchmount Stadium
May 2
Parent Workshop Series, 6:30 to 8:30pm, Raising Sexually Healthy Children
April 28
Pajama Day
April 27
Cultural Performance: Dufflebag Theatre – Beauty and the Beast
April 21
Jump Rope for Heart
April 19
Book Publishing Launch, 4:45pm to 6:30pm, Library
April 17
Easter Monday, NO SCHOOL
April 14
Good Friday, NO SCHOOL
April 12
Roden Council Meeting, 7:20pm, Library
March 31
Roden Movie Night, Sing!, Doors open at 6pm, movie starts at 6:30pm
Mismatch Day
March 24
3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
March 23
Cultural Performance: A Capella Time Machine (music)
March 22
Lice Check
March 13 to 17
March Break, NO SCHOOL
March 7
Parent Workshop Series, 6:30 to 8:30pm, Recognizing Anxiety in Children
February 24
Pizza Lunch
Flashback Friday
February 20
Family Day, NO SCHOOL
February 17
February 14
JK, SK and Grade 1 – 8 Provincial Report goes home
February 8
School Council Meeting: CANCELLED
February 1
Family Math Night, 6-7pm
January 27
Movie Night, doors open at 6pm, movie starts at 6:30pm
School Spirit Day Wear Roden colours, maroon and white
January 20
January 16
Roden School Council Meeting, 6pm ** this is on a MONDAY rather than the normal Wednesday**
January 11
Lice Check
December 26 to January 6
Christmas/Winter Break, NO SCHOOL
December 23
Pizza Lunch
Festive Sweater Day
December 8
Roden Winter Concert, 7pm
Bake Sale and Book Sale before the concert, 6pm
December 2
November 25
Roden Movie Night, Movie TBC, Doors open at 6pm, movie starts at 6:30pm
Pizza Lunch
Twin Day
November 18
Reporting to parents morning, 9am to noon
November 17
Reporting to Parents Evening, 4 to 8pm
November 15
SK to Gr 8 Progress Reports go home
November 11
Remembrance Day Assembly
November 9
Roden Council Meeting, 7:20pm in the Library. All parents and caregivers are welcome; childcare available
October 28
Gr 7/8 HPV vaccination
October 21
Pizza Lunch Day
October 20
Photo Day
October 19
Roden School Council meeting 6pm, Library
October 14
Fundraiser: Roden’s Maker Mission
October 10
Thanksgiving Holiday – NO SCHOOL
October 7
Professional Development Day – NO SCHOOL
October 5
Cross Country Meet – Ashbridges Bay