Students opting for virtual learning will be placed in one of 4 virtual schools, based on Learning Centre. This means all virtual Roden students will be in the same virtual school.
Virtual start date has recently been delayed until Sept 22 (TDSB)
Although attending virtual school, Roden will still be your ‘Home School’ and we will still consider you a part of our community. It is School Council’s desire / intention to include representatives from the virtual cohort in our committee to ensure mutual support and to smooth transitions between in-person and virtual learning.
Students will be taught through the “BrightSpace” learning platform and will have live learning of 180 Minutes/day for Kindergarten and 225 minutes/day for Gr1-8 (broken into shorter sessions – see TDSB website), plus independent work intended to total 300 minutes of school per day.
Devices and wifi will be required to participate. If you require assistance, contact your Home School Principal (Ms Pollock).
Special Educational Needs / IEPs will be implemented and supported in virtual school.