Lunch Box Ideas

Parents Helping Parents Make Healthy Lunches

Thank you to all of the parents who have shared lunch box ideas with me already. It’s really fun to find out what Roden kids bring for lunch and really great to be able to share it with others.

We eat with our eyes, so presentation is everything. Sometimes, it’s not what you’ve sent for lunch, but how appetizing it looks that gets kids actually eating.

Here are some presentation ideas, suggested by Roden parents, to inspire you and your family when making the dreaded lunch each day.

Butterfly Bagels!
Cut a bagel into quarters. Add your favourite toppings and place them in your child’s food container with halves facing out, as shown in the photo below. Add an olive, cherry tomato, raspberry, grape or anything else your child might like for a head. Use chives, a thin slice of cheese, slices of pepper or something else for antennae.

Sail Away With Me!
Top off a deviled egg with a slice of apple (pear, nectarine, etc.) and you’ve got yourself a yummy sailboat lunch. If your child isn’t fond of deviled eggs, the concept still works with a half of a sandwich.

It’s How You Slice It
Three ways to make a Wow Butter and jam sandwich that you’re kid will eat!
Note: Wow Butter is soy butter, so it’s nut-free but tastes like peanut butter. It’s available at No Frills and other major grocery stores. Sunflower Seed Butter would also work.
1. Cut bread in long, thin strips and call it ‘Sandwich Sticks’.
2. Instead of plain old quarters, cut sandwich into mini squares. Triangles would be fun too.
3. Use whole-wheat wraps or sandwich bread and cut out shapes with a cookie cutter. Embellish with fruit and vegetables.


I’d love to be able to share more lunch and snack ideas with parents. What do you put in your child’s lunch? Fellow parents want to know!

E-mail your idea (photos are great!) to or jot down your idea and drop it in the School Council mail slot in the main office of the school.