The First Roden Walk-a-thon, October 17, 2014 “What Inspires YOU?”
All proceeds from this school-wide fundraiser will go towards additional cultural, physical, and academic programming both in and outside our classrooms this year. Such programs will keep students active, learning, and open to new and diverse experiences so they can discover what inspires them!
During the day on Friday, October 17, students will walk 1-5 km within our community. We are asking that each child raise a minimum of $20. Our goal is $5,000, but with your help we know we can raise much more! The more money they raise, the more prizes they have the chance to win!
Parents and guardians are encouraged to volunteer during the event or walk with your child’s class – or both! We need lots of help to make this event a great success. Please sign up in the office or online at URL: by October 3.
Stay tuned for more details to come!