Placement notice – from Principal

Dear Equinox & Roden Families,

As a result of the current labour situation, you may already know that a Summary of Marks (that we are currently preparing) is being mailed to each family over the summer. Also as a result of the labour situation, we were not able to send out student placement letters that indicate which class each student will be in come September 8th. However, since we know placement information is very important to our families, we have created class lists that will be posted in the first floor hallways on the P.A. Day, Friday June 26th from 9am until 1pm.

If you are not able to attend or have a friend, neighbour, family member, etc. attend, they will be available again the week of August 31st. Unfortunately due to logistics and confidentiality, we were and are not able to provide this information earlier, email or post on outside windows. We will also not be able to share this information over the phone.

As always, since student placement decisions involve extensive consultations on a wide variety of considerations (as shared in our spring newsletter), most of which involve confidential information about individual students, we cannot and will not share specific reasons for student placements.

We will be available for general questions about placements after August 31st.

Both school offices will close for the summer after June 26th and reopen on August 31st.

We thank you for an exciting school year.

Mark Lasso