Roden Fun Fair – this Friday

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It’s here…what you’ve been waiting for ALL YEAR!

Join us this Friday June 12th between 3:30pm and 7:30pm at Roden Public School for our Fun Fair.

Enjoy our rock wall, 4 bouncers, face painting, henna, games, sports and much much more. Relax and enjoy some South Asian cuisine, or some BBQ. Cool down with an ice cream. Re-energize with cotton candy or a delicious sugary treat at our bake sale. We have it all this year.

You can even pie the Vice Principal in the face! And to top it all off, watch our talented Roden students perform at the talent show at 6:30 pm!

Bring in 10 old batteries for our Battery bin recycling program and get a free ticket. Maximum 3 tickets for returned batteries.

Volunteers still needed. Email us at if you are interested. And a huge thank you to all our current volunteers, we couldn’t pull it off without you.

Ticket information and activity list is attached here.
Funfair tix

Games, sports, treats, books, rock walls bouncers – oh my! Check out our Facebook page for all the details:

Last School Council meeting of the year

Join us this Wednesday June 10th from 6pm to 7pm in the Library for the final council meeting of the year.

The meeting is followed by the Volunteer Tea…all who have volunteered at the school in any capacity are welcome. The Volunteer Tea is from 7pm to 8pm.

Childcare is available in the gym for both events.

Spring Concert – Thurs June 4th

The Roden Spring Concert is tomorrow Thursday June 4th at 7pm in the gym. Your kids have to be there for 6:45pm. Check the list and permission form to see where they should be dropped off.

Please note that there is no bake sale at this concert. Next bake sale is at the Fun Fair next week (Friday June 12th).

Last movie night of the Year

Strange Magic Poster

Roden School Council Presents:
Strange Magic
Friday May 29th
Doors open at 6pm and movie starts at 6:30pm
Admission $2 per person

VIP LOUNGE raffle ticket: $1 each
Food and Beverage available for sale.
Grab your blankets, pillows and come out and support us!

About the Movie
Strange Magic runs 99 minutes, is rated PG and ideal for 6 years+. It’s an animated musical loosely based on Shakepseare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. It uses a mix of classic and contemporary pop and rock songs to further the plot. Themes center on the idea that love should be based on more than looks, and you shouldn’t assume anything based on someone’s size or beauty.

Fundraising For Nepal
A heartfelt letter from a Roden student, who was born in Nepal, has prompted school council to donate popcorn sales from movie night to the Canadian Red Cross. There will also be a collection jar, so consider bringing some extra loonies & twoonies!

See you for our last movie night of the year on Friday, May 29!