Upcoming Events

The Spring Concert will be happening on Thursday June 4th.

Friday June 5th is a PA Day.

Wednesday June 10th the final Roden School Council Meeting at 6pm and the Volunteer Tea is at 7pm both in the Library.

T-shirts arriving this week!!

tshirt 2

The Roden t-shirts are being delivered this week!

If you didn’t have a chance to order yours, you will have a chance to purchase one at the Roden Fun Fair (Friday June 12).

Battery Bin in Office

battery bin

Did you know we have a battery recycling drum in the Roden office?
Families are encouraged to bring in their used batteries and place it in the drum.
The company will come and pickup the batteries once it is full.
Reminder: Batteries should not be placed in the garbage.

Principals’ Newsletter May

Please check out the Principals Newsletter that was sent home on Friday May 8th in our BACKPACK section of the website.

This letter (2015.05.08 Newsletter) includes information on:

  • September 2015 Roden School Organization outlining how many classes for each grade level
  • September 2015 Student Placement which outlines criteria used to place students
  • Volunteer Thank You Celebration
  • Plus much more

Teacher Strike Action

The Elementary Teacher’s Federation of Ontario has a planned job action starting Monday May 11, 2015. This includes a partial withdrawal of services. SCHOOL WILL REMAIN OPEN AND PROGRAMMING WILL CONTINUE.

Please see the attached letter outlining what the teachers have been directed to do and not do as part of the job action.