Roden School Council Meeting


The next Roden School Council meeting Wednesday April 13th in the school library starting at 6:00 p.m.

All parents and caregivers are welcome to join us. Childcare and pizza is provided.

School Council meetings happen the second Wednesday of most months during the school year.

Roden Fun Fair: We need your help!

Hello Roden Parents!

The annual Roden Fun Fair! is coming up on Friday, June 3 and we will need your help to make it the place to be! The fair needs loads of volunteers to make it a success and all money is directed to your kids through school enrichment and programming.

Last year we had 100 volunteers representing current and past Roden students, high school students and Roden parents. Once again, we’ll need just as many so our kids can eat, jump and play!

Stay tuned for more details and contact if you can help out.

And don’t forget to Like us on!

Chopped 55 and Roden Grade 6 students

Roden students take the top honours at the Chopped 55 cooking program Championship Finale.

The cooking program paired students from local schools and police officers from 55 Division. A few Grade 6 students from Roden attended an after school program where they learned to work together to create great food. The Championship Finale took place last week at the George Brown College Chef School and the Roden Grade 6 students walked away with the 1st prize. One of our students, Rylan, also received a prize for “Unforgettable Personality in the Kitchen”! Great job guys.

More information about the program can be found at the following links:

Toronto Police Service Press Release
Beach Metro news article
Youtube video of Championship Finale event at George Brown College Chef School

Extracurricular Sports and Clubs

The following is a listing of current sports activities and clubs at the school:

Read Up Club (Kindergarten to Grade 3) on Tuesdays at 3:30 – 4:40 pm in the Library
Toronto Police 55 Division Community Response Unit Sports Program: Grade 8 students on alternating Tuesdays at 3:30 – 4:30 pm in the Gym. Contact: Mr. Lam
Intramurals: Indoor Soccer: Grade 8 on alternating Tuesdays at 3:30 – 4:30 in the Gym. Contact: Mr. Lam
Intramurals: Indoor Soccer: Grade 7 on alternating Wednesdays at 3:30 – 4:30 pm in the Gym. Contact: Ms. Vacrinos
Grade 7/8 Boys Basketball (Times TBA) Contact: Simon Bennett
Beep Club Fitness Test on Mondays during morning recess. Contact: Mr. Poon
Club Med: every Day 1 at 12:00 – 12:30 pm in Area 45. Contact: Mme. Stavrakos
Puzzle Club for Grade 4 – 8 on Wednesdays: Jan. 20, 27, Feb. 3, 10, 17 and 24 at 12:10. Contact: Ms. Wilhelmson and Ms. Campbell
Lego Club every Day 3 at 12:00 – 12:30 pm in the Library. Contact: Mme. Stavrakos
Chess Club for Grade 4 – 6: Every Day 3 at lunch in Area 22. Contact: Mr. Donovan and Ms. Revoredo
Photography Club for Grade 6 -8. Every Wednesday at lunch in Library. Contact: Armaity and Ms. Chan
Jewelry Club for Grade 4 -6: every Wednesday at lunch until March Break. Contact: Ms. Press
Grade 2/3 Book Publishing Club – Every Day 2 at AM Recess. Contact: Mr. Walters
Junior Choir with Ms. Eng, Ms. Kalbfleisch, Julia Thompson, Josie – Grade 8 and Emma – Grade 8- future dates TBD

March Newsletter from our Trustee, Jennifer Story

Repost from email: NEWSLETTER

Jennifer Story
Dear friends and neighbours,
There is a lot of activity at the the Board and at our schools, and I’d like to share some of the developments with you. Please take a moment to read about some of the local and system-wide news.
If you have any suggestions or concerns I am always interested in hearing them. Your feedback is a crucial part of making sure we do our best for students. I attend as many events as I can in Toronto-Danforth schools, but if I don’t connect with you in person, please feel free to get in touch by email at
All my best,
(signed) Jennifer Story