Equinox & Roden School Councils are hosting their first ever glow-in-the-dark dance-a-thon fundraiser in the school gym between 9 am and 3:30 pm on Friday, March 2nd for ALL grades. Students will attend with their class and are encouraged to dance, move, jump and have fun. The student dance-a-thon schedule is listed below for your reference.
Equinox & Roden Student Dance-a-thon Event Schedule
9:10 am – 10:10 am – Kindergarten
10:30 am – 11:30 am – Grades 1, 2 & 3
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm – Grades 7 & 8
2:25 pm – 3:25 pm – Grades 4, 5 & 6
Proceeds raised from Roden’s community will go towards our fund for Kindergarten / Junior Literacy and Intermediate / Senior technology provision, benefiting every student in the school and making lasting provision for the future. In particular, we are hoping to provide leveled readers and document cameras. Our total fundraising goal is $6,500.
Please look for your child’s dance-a-thon pledge envelope in their school bag. Extra pledge envelopes are available in the front office.
Please look for your child’s dance-a-thon pledge envelope in their school bag. Extra pledge envelopes are available in the front office.
Online donations are also accepted. Click here to make an online donation. Be sure to select Roden from the drop down menu and add a note in the message section that the donation is for the “Dance-a-thon Fundraiser.” Online donations over $25 automatically receive a tax receipt. Anyone can use this link, whether or not they have used School Cash Online in the past.
Donation cheques should be addressed to Roden Public School. Tax receipts for cash or cheque donations may be issued for donations over $25 if requested. TDSB requires the donor’s contact information (address, name and telephone number) to issue the tax receipt.
All students have the opportunity participate in the dance-a-thon, whether or not they have pledges.
Thank you for your support.
Roden School Council