What is Roden School Council?
The Council is a group of parents, together with staff and student reps, who volunteer their time to help build and support the school’s community.
Is it all Bake sales and Fundraising?
No! Over the course of the year, we raise funds to support programs in the school, but we also arrange events that support school spirit and expand our community’s education beyond the valuable work of our teaching staff in classrooms – everything from evening talks for parents to movie nights, shopping events and a big celebration at the end of the school year.
In addition, the School Council is a way to have parent voices heard by the administration and TDSB on issues such as staff allocation and selection, budget allocation, etc. The new carpet project, for example,is happening in large part because of the hard work of our retiring Chair, and last year’s free Parenting
Workshops saw several speakers give interesting and informative presentations to our parents throughout the year.
Where does the Money go?
All funds raised by the Council are spent on improving and enriching the school and the experience of learning here. Recent examples include the purchase of the 3D printer, sports equipment and musicalinstruments, which are integrated into class programs across the full age range of the school; the Cultural Enrichment performances of music, dancing and puppetry, which were free to all students last year; and subsidising Book Publishing club, through which over 100 students saw their own masterpieces in print.
Council-raised funds are also used to support health and nutrition in the school, including the Nitwits lice check and snack / breakfast programs.
What can I do?
All parents are welcome to attend Council meetings, and children can come along to (Contact Secretary@roden.ca if you will need childcare, otherwise children are welcome to stay in the Library with their parents).
If you’re interested in becoming involved, consider joining the Council. For those who want to run events, contact sponsors and apply for grants, your fundraising capacities will be invaluable, but even if fundraising is not your forte or interest, there are many ways to be involved from photocopying and putting up posters, to joining subcommittees, helping with Council’s social media and website presence, preparing the newsletter and more. There is no minimum time commitment from Council members and your support will always be valued.
Even if you don’t want to be involved this year, make sure you sign up for the Council’s newsletter (note this is a separate list from the Principal’s newsletter) and Like us on Facebook to stay in touch!
Check out the many reasons to join School Council or volunteer:
(click on image below to enlarge in your browser)
![WhyJoinASchoolCouncilFinal 2](http://roden.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/WhyJoinASchoolCouncilFinal-2.jpg)
Print and complete return this form to the office by 4pm, Friday September 15th to join School Council this year:
![Council Self Nomination Form](http://roden.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Council-Self-Nomination-Form.jpg)