For the entire month of February, students can participate in the Roden Read-a-Thon by reading ANYTHING in ANY language (favourite books, comics, trading cards, homework instructions) and logging the time each day or week.
The monthly reading goals are:
• JK/SK: Read once a day for 15 days. Any reading counts, even being read to!
• Grades 1-3: 200 minutes Grades 4-6: 300 minutes
• Grades 7-8: 400 minutes
Reading logs have been sent home in backpacks, or use our online template: (just be sure to save a copy to your desktop first). Participants have the chance to win a Swag Sisters’ Gift Card! Every child who reaches their reading goal will be entered into a draw for prizes! For every 15 minutes logged over their goal, they will get one additional ballot into the draw. More minutes = more chances to win!