Why join School Council?

Check out the many reasons to join School Council or volunteer:
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Print and complete return this form to the office by September 16th to join School Council this year:
Council Self Nomination Form

Toronto Police 55 Division Community Response Unit Sports Program

Officer Adam Whyte from 55 Division (Community Response Unit) will continue to come by the school yard during the summer on alternating Tuesdays (3:30-4:30) to run sports with anyone that shows up. He is mainly reaching out to the older grade 6, 7, 8 students, but if numbers are low, anyone can join in. He wanted to continue his connection to the school community throughout the summer.

He will be there the following dates:

July 5th
July 19th
Aug 2nd
Aug 16th
Aug 30th

Hope you are able to come out and join in the fun!